Sunday, 13 May 2012

Finishing the Bulkhead

After a couple of test cans we decided on Rover Carmine Red to paint the bulkhead at least, even if we changed out mind for the rest of the car. It's a deep purplish red that is probably closest to the Orient Red original MGA colour, but is more like the maroon coach-paint ours had been covered in long ago. As we only had one can of Carmine, filling in underneath the wings was done with a failed test-can of Rover Damask Red, which is why the paint looks orangey in the hidden places.

I touched up the sides of the heater-recess where the paint didn't get to with a white applicator I had lying around. I then started throwing the parts back on after cleaning them with WAXOYL, about time really. Also threw on the new pedal fume/dust excluder and rubber-seal for the heater. 

The re-conned heater then went back in and my work on the bulkhead is complete! Phew, now for the rest of the car!

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